Training Girls Club Leaders
We are happy to report that we have held our first event in the new home! Recently, we invited all our girls club leaders, assistants, trainees, and all those who are interested in our Bhitri Sundarta Girl’s Club program to come and take part in a leadership training day.
Our Girls Club director, Fatima, did a fabulous job of preparing and directing the training alongside of Lupita, who is the leader of our first and biggest club in Agua Shuka. It was a full day, with Fatima and Lupita presenting the Girl’s Club program vision and purpose through
a power point presentation, dynamic activities, and interactions with the participants.
Those who came were well fed, as no one goes hungry with Lupita around! I believe I heard a few people exclaim, “More food?!” It is always a delight to see people enjoying an abundance of food, when abundance is not the norm.
In attendance we had representatives from various organizations and churches interested in starting their own Girls Clubs, and we are here to help walk alongside them with a starting kit, and ongoing support and training. We are excited to see how God uses this time to open new doors of opportunity for Hope For Families!