Serving as a Father in El Salvador
Happy Fathers Day to all of you fathers! When Kathy and I came to El Salvador, I had no idea that my role as a father would expand so much. With the Hope House women’s home, God has placed me in a position where I need to be a father figure to the young women we minister to.
“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.“
Matthew 19:29 ESV
Recently, I was reminded of Matthew 19:29. One of the young women, a resident in our Hope House program whose father had abandoned her at a young age, shared with me that she saw me as the father she never had, and that she was so grateful for the investment I had made in her life. (Even when I have had to be tough with her.) It has been a real joy to see the young women grow spiritually and emotionally in their time in the home.
I am so grateful that in these modern times, with technology and travel, I still get to see and spend time with my three beautiful, beloved daughters, and yet, God has blessed me even more with ‘daughters’ here in El Salvador. Being a father is truly a blessing.
P.S. Please be praying for our two medical students. Their studies have entered a time that is VERY challenging and are in need God’s strength to get them through.