It’s Back! Girls Club Camp 2023
After the past three years of wading through the pandemic and all the fall-out left in its wake, we are thrilled to announce that our girls club program is up and running again. The best evidence of that is that we were finally able to hold our annual girls club camp this year! As much as we wanted to get our camp going again, it had been hard to imagine that we could pull it together again! To the praise and glory of God…. we did it! HE did it!
We welcomed almost 70 girls who came to us from our core girl’s club villages. Much prayer and hard work went into preparing and executing our camp. This year our theme was ‘Identity and Purpose’.
What a relevant topic considering the times we are living in! God brought JUST the right ladies who served as our speakers. Wow! We could not have imagined just how perfectly prepared for this camp all these gals were. We also welcomed an awesome team of ladies from Mountain Bible Church in Payson, AZ, where our daughter, Krysta, and her family attend and serve. Katie Kelly joined us once again and, as always, was a huge encouragement and blessing. God continues to blow us away with His goodness and His GREATNESS! Exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all expectations!
We stood by and watched God move in the hearts of many girls this year who were so broken and hurting; girls who were believing the lies of Satan about their identity and purpose. Not only this, but these precious girls were able to run, play, swim, create, sing, dance, laugh, eat!!! And they did all of this without having to look over their shoulders…freedom from fear for their personal safety for 3 days, free to just be children.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We continue to stand in awe of God’s provision. We want to say THANK YOU to those who have given from their resources to Hope for Families. We want to say THANK YOU for those who continually hold this ministry up before the throne of God. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Thank you for allowing us to serve in El Salvador.