Our Team

Mayra Fernandez

Spiritual Development Director/Staff Supervisor

Fatima Lopez

Girls Club & Hope House Education Director

Sulma Zelaya

Hope House Administrator

Lupita Ascencio

Ministry Administrator

de Quijada


Margie Porter


Kathy Porter

Director of Spiritual Formation, Ministry Director

David Porter

President, Director of Logistics/

Our Founders

David & Kathy Porter have been serving as missionaries in Latin America since 2003.  In 2010 they were sent by their church to begin a work with pastors and leaders in a rural area of El Salvador, Central America.  It was during this time that God gave them a burden for the plight of women and children in the country.

In 2015, Hope For Families was born with the opening of Hope House Discipleship/Scholarship home for young women.  Two years later, they started the first girls club.  David serves as President of Hope For Families and also oversees the logistical and financial aspects of the ministry.  Kathy serves as the Ministry Director, Director of Staff Spiritual Formation and oversees Ministry Development. 

David and Kathy have been married for  40 years and have five children and eight fabulous grandchildren (so far).